miguel fernandez is a web developer from the Pacific Northwest with an interest in free software, math, crypto, and coffee. When he's away from his keyboard, he enjoys reading, fishing, and spending time with family.
miguel fernandez is a web developer from the Pacific Northwest with an interest in free software, math, crypto, and coffee. When he's away from his keyboard, he enjoys reading, fishing, and spending time with family.
A news aggregator and real-time feed application allowing users to create personalized news feeds. Written in node.js, express.js, MongoDB, Socket.IO, ReactJS, Redux, and Webpack with Babel.
A project management web application for software development teams enabling users to create and edit tasks, add them to todo lists and track each other's work by Scrum board. Written in Python using the Django, Neo4j, AngularJS, and Bootstrap.
arch linux, dwm, urxvt, tmux, zsh, vim, git, irssi